- Pho, beef
- sushi
- salmon
- food
- wine
- blue cheese
- mushrooms
- dancing
- singing
- musicals
- theatre
- karaoke
- video games
- books! high and epic fantasy!
- hiking
- nature, mountains, rivers, streams, creeks, lakes, forests, deserts, beaches
- camping
- snow skiing
- water skiing
- wake boarding
- kneeboarding
- starbucks- tall french vanilla latte
- wine
- getting my eyebrows waxed
- gel nails
- french manicures
- massages
- rose and lavender everything
- tea
- period pieces
- binge watching series and being a potato
- french cuisine
- espresso
- big salads
- exercising!!!
- my butt
- my calves, ankles, feet, and knees
- my tummy
- my eyes
- my eyebrows
- my freckles
- my teeth
DISLIKES: (in general and about myself)
- not being in control of myself
- being drunk
- being poor
- being ignored
- being treated unfairly
- black licorice
- marshmallows that aren't s'mores
- being trashy
- my thighs
- my breasts
- my rib cage
- my nose
- my chin
- how easily I cry
- being a fucking empath
- lack of self control
- being selfish
- being disorganized
- waterskiing/wakeboarding/kneeboarding
- snow skiing
- horse back riding
- singing
- dancing
- computers and technology
- sales/marketing
- writing- copywriting, essays, and fiction
- cooking
- sign language
- sign dancing!!!
- make up
- flower arrangements
Things I can Focus on Improving:
- Discipline/Self Control
- Organization/Cleaning
- Budgeting
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